In 2010, I had enough. After years of yo-yo dieting battling weight loss and IBS I decided I had to take control of my life, no one else but me was able to make the change that I wanted. I embarked on changing my diet through becoming a pescatarian, eliminating processed foods and fizzy drinks, whilst also reducing alcohol consumption. Not only did I change my diet but I knew I had to move my body more so introduced more fitness into my daily routine. After 8 weeks I managed to lose 1 stone in weight and felt great. I felt better in myself, more confident and healthy. This inspired me to educate myself further on the food I was consuming and the environment around me. This life wasn’t just about a fast paced party lifestyle, I was now on a journey to finding myself and what makes me happy.
Then came, a pinnacle moment in my life when my Dad was diagnosed with Esophagus cancer given only 6 months to live. I was living in Dubai at the time and immediately decided to move home. As a family we decided that this was a fight we were taking on together and would research everything under the sun to help Dad live longer. Dad underwent chemotherapy as recommended by his oncologist, something he didn’t wish to take on lightly but given the time frame we had very little choice. It was extremely tough and he was a warrior. In addition, as a family we educated ourselves fully in nutrition and how we could help nourish Dad’s body to reduce inflammation and essentially fight the cancer. Through our own research we tried everything and ultimately Dad survived for a further 2 and half years. The doctors were delighted with Dad’s progress, as were we and although we don’t know what component worked, we truly believe that meditation and good nutrition played a key part in prolonging his life further.
Through my own health journey and that of my Dad, I knew then I wanted to develop my passion in helping others further. In 2016 I studied with IIN to become an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach enabling me to enhance my knowledge helping transform the lives of others in their own personal health journey. I believe that we are all individual and therefore not one size fits all. Some things work for some and not for others. Our health is all encompassing and doesn’t just include nutrition but can be impacted by career, financials and relationships. I work with clients to help them transform their lives to sustainable health.
Since becoming an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, I have also become an NLP practitioner enhancing my coaching abilities further. I am also in the process of becoming a Barre Instructor (Feb 2019) and Yoga Teacher (March 2019). My goal is to help transform the lives of those who may be struggling to reach their long-term health goals. We don’t deserve to be on fad diets all our lives, so let’s change the way we think and live a healthy and happy life.