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Writer's pictureStacey Murtagh

How to Become More Self-Aware and Accept Yourself

I believe the true aim for happiness is actually inner contentment and peace, which comes from self-awareness and self-acceptance, crucial for personal growth and emotional well-being. However, they’re not always easy to achieve. Many people struggle with accepting themselves as they are, caught in cycles of self-criticism or comparison to others, especially when we live in a world of social media, forever comparing ourselves and our lives to others. The true practice of Yoga supports both awareness and acceptance, but additionally here are some other practical ways to help you develop self-awareness and learn how to embrace who you truly are.

1. Practice Mindfulness

Mindfulness is a powerful tool for self-awareness. It helps you focus on the present moment, allowing you to observe your thoughts, feelings, and behaviours without judgment. When you practice mindfulness regularly—through meditation, deep breathing, yoga or simply paying attention to your surroundings—you become more aware of how your mind works and how external triggers affect you. This awareness creates space for self-compassion and acceptance. It also gives you the invitation become curious of who you are.

2. Journaling for Reflection

Writing down your thoughts and feelings is a great way to gain deeper insight into your internal world. Set aside time each day or week to reflect on your experiences, emotions, and reactions. Over time, journaling can help you identify patterns, such as recurring fears, desires, or negative self-talk, which in turn helps you understand what drives your behaviours. Once you know this, it becomes easier to accept your strengths and weaknesses as part of who you are. So, grab yourself a notebook and use it after meditation, first thing in the morning, or before bedtime - any time you feel the call to explore your thoughts by putting pen to paper, go for it.

3. Seek Honest Feedback

Asking for feedback from trusted friends, family, or mentors can offer valuable perspectives on how you’re perceived by others. Sometimes, we’re blind to certain aspects of ourselves, both positive and negative. Feedback helps us see things more clearly and can lead to "aha" moments that deepen self-awareness. Just remember to filter feedback with kindness and balance—it's about gaining insights, not beating yourself up. And remember the feedback should come from trusted individuals.

4. Embrace Your Imperfections

No one is perfect, and trying to live up to unrealistic standards will only lead to frustration. Accepting yourself means acknowledging both your strengths and your flaws. Everyone has areas they can improve on, but those imperfections also make you unique and wonderful. Instead of hiding or shaming yourself for your weaknesses, try viewing them with curiosity. What can you learn from them? How do they shape your journey? Shifting your perspective makes self-acceptance easier. Remember, we don’t have to be strong in all areas of life, that’s what other people are there for, if we were all great at everything how would humanity work as a team? We all hold different strengths for a reason, so lean into those to make them stronger and assess areas that you want to improve if at all.

5. Set Boundaries and Prioritise Self-Care

Being aware of your limits and setting healthy boundaries is essential for self-acceptance. When you respect your own needs, you send a message to yourself that you are worthy of care and attention. Take time to rest, say no when necessary, and engage in activities that recharge you. This creates space for you to tune in to your true self and let go of external pressures.

6. Celebrate Your Achievements

Too often, we focus on what’s missing or what’s wrong, rather than celebrating our wins—big or small. Make a habit of acknowledging your achievements, even if they seem minor. Did you complete a task that you’ve been putting off? Did you show kindness to yourself during a tough day? Recognising these moments builds self-confidence and reinforces self-acceptance. Perhaps try using that notebook as a reminder of your wins.

Becoming more self-aware and learning to accept yourself is an ongoing journey. Through mindfulness, reflection, and self-compassion, you can develop a deeper understanding of who you are and learn to appreciate yourself as a whole. Remember, self-acceptance isn’t about perfection—it’s about embracing your authentic self, flaws and all. Remember that we are continuously learning in this lifetime as we grow, so continue to be curious with who you are; love the person you are now and who you are becoming.

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